It's great that you want to learn how to help others with Imposter Syndrome.
Clare Josa has two options for you, depending on how deeply you want to specialise in this work.
The first is her Imposter Syndrome Practitioner™ certification programme. It equips you to help about 80% of the people who struggle with Imposter Syndrome. And it's ideal for you if you want to apply these tools alongside your other work.
Your main training runs over 12 weeks, and after that you get a further 9 months of support to complete 3 case studies, learning how to implement this inspirational work, rather than just 'collecting certificates of attendance'.
The second option is for experienced coaches and therapists who want to specialise in this work, with deeper-acting tools that support those with more severe Imposter Syndrome. The Imposter Syndrome Master Coach™ certification programme runs over 15 months, working closely with Clare.

Clare Josa, Author of Ditching Imposter Syndrome & Coaching Imposter Syndrome
Both of these programmes start with an often-missing link: clearing your own Imposter Syndrome first, before you learn how to help others to create that level of breakthrough, too. And they're both trauma-informed, so you can help others in ways that are safe and effective.
The Master Coach programme includes the Practitioner programme, so you can be up and running and helping clients to ditch Imposter Syndrome after just the first few months, while you continue and learn the deeper-acting strategies.
Don't want to get certified, but still want to know what to do if a colleague is struggling with Imposter Syndrome and it's gate-crashing your 1:1 conversations? Scroll down for the Imposter Syndrome-informed course for line managers, HR professionals & Mental Health First-Aiders: The Imposter Syndrome Toolkit™.
Which Option Is Right For You?

Imposter syndrome Practitioner™
12-week certification programme to help others with Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome master coach™
15-month certification programme for experienced coaches & therapists
Imposter syndrome toolkit™
For line managers, HR Professionals & Mental Health First-Aiders

Not Ready To Dive In Yet? Here Are Some Other Options:

Fed up with not knowing what to do when Imposter Syndrome gate-crashes your 1:1 chats? Get Clare's new book.

Get your Imposter Syndrome risk score & action plan with Clare's research-backed, quiz-style assessment.

Join over 25,000 listeners for practical inspiration from Clare's Ditching Imposter Syndrome podcast.