I'm so thrilled that you're considering Ditching Imposter Syndrome for your book club to read.
I want to make it as easy as possible for you to create a great experience for your members, so I have some special resources to help book club leaders.

They include:
Plus I'll email you everything you need to do the publicity for reading Ditching Imposter Syndrome - links to book images, my author bio, the book synopsis, and even a range of my mugshots, in case you want them!
Fill in your name and email below and I'll ping all of this over to you faster than you can say 'Is It Imposter Syndrome Or The Impostor Phenomenon'!
x Clare
P.S. Landed here by some freak of the internet and don't actually run a book club? That's cool - how about joining my Virtual Book Club for Ditching Imposter Syndrome? We call it the Interactive Reader Experience.