The Ditching Imposter Syndrome Accelerator™

start ditching imposter syndrome today

Crank up your confidence, shrink your stress levels, and start waving goodbye to Imposter Syndrome & burnout, in minutes, not months.

Exclusively for Courage Club members of the Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App.

With love from Clare Josa. As interviewed by:

Try it risk-free for 30 days

What if you could finally ditch Imposter Syndrome…

and start seeing breakthroughs by the end of the day today...

... even if you've been struggling with Imposter Syndrome for years, and feel like you've tried everything?

From Inspiration To Action

The Ditching Imposter Syndrome Accelerator™ brings Clare Josa's best-selling book to life, with:

  • an inspired blend of bite-sized, practical courses, hosted in her Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ app, which you can access on your phone or the web-based site
  • Mentor In Your Pocket™ audios to guide you through each exercise from the book, like having Clare by your side
  • a private forum for support, accountability & celebrations
  • a progress-tracking journal, so you can see & feel the progress you're making
  • and monthly hot seat coaching with Clare, to get answers to your questions

Practical, personalised support to apply Ditching Imposter Syndrome's life-changing strategies, helping you make real progress, faster, more easily, and fully supported.

The Ditching Imposter Syndrome Accelerator is included with your Courage Club membership of the Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App.

Discover the breakthroughs it can help you to create, for just £1 for your first 30 days.

The Ditching Imposter Syndrome Accelerator™ is your fast-track to results, even if you feel like you’ve tried everything, and you've been told it's something you just have to put up with.

It's hosted inside Clare Josa's Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App, On Your Phone, Or With The Web-App. You Will Enjoy:

Start With The Ditching Imposter Syndrome Book

The book is waiting for you, inside the Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App, both as an eBook and also the full audiobook.

Take it at your own pace, and enjoy the resource vault trainings that are linked in with each step of the book, so you can dive in more deeply with the topics that are most important to you.

easily Make the Shifts That Matter Most to You

Pick from the bite-sized, easy-to-apply ninja trainings accompany your book, so you can tailor your journey to your unique situation.

Dive in more deeply with the topics that are most important to you, creating high-impact, low-effort change.

Each of these trainings takes just minutes to learn and practice. And if you need inspiration for which ninja training or hack to learn next, you can get expert answers from Clare and her Imposter Syndrome Master Coaches, as well as fellow readers, in the private forum.

Let Clare walk by your side

Clare's Mentor In Your Pocket™ system means you get a unique audio to guide you through each of the book's 38 coaching exercises. It feels like she's there with you, supporting you on the how-to, so you can let go and focus on the breakthroughs.

And your in-app Virtual Journal is the perfect place to log your insights from those self-coaching exercises, to note what's shifting, so you stay motivated, easily able to spot the progress you're making.

breakthroughs you can really see

The Ditching Imposter Syndrome Accelerator™ is designed to support you in taking action and applying the powerful strategies from the Ditching Imposter Syndrome book, in any area of your life, all in bite-sized, busy-person friendly steps.

It’s about the difference between information and implementation.

The Accelerator supports you in developing the daily habits that create tomorrow's transformations, so you can crank up your confidence, shrink your stress levels, and wave goodbye to Imposter Syndrome and burnout.

fast-track creating new daily habits

Clare has built the science and psychology of habit creation into your app, supporting you to focus on a 5-minute, daily #DoOneThing, rather than trying to build 20 news habits at once. 

The Ditching Imposter Syndrome Accelerator™ & Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App help you to build up streaks of daily actions that quickly become new life-changing habits.

And if you catch yourself doom-scrolling, how about popping into the app to do your daily #DoOneThing first? It’s an instant dopamine hit!

you are not alone

You’ve got support and accountability in the private discussion forums, where you can get answers to your questions, celebrate your wins, and find encouragement from Clare, her Imposter Syndrome Master Coaches, and fellow action-takers.

Plus there are regular #AskClare livestreams, where you can submit a question in advance and Clare gives you a video answer.

And each month you've got the chance for hot seat coaching, live on a Zoom call, with Clare and her Imposter Syndrome Master Coaches.

Proven Strategies That Have Already Helped Thousands Of People, In Over 50 Countries


Proven, engineer-created inspiration, grounded in 20 years of research, blending practical psychology, the neuroscience of performance, and demystified ancient wisdom.

Go Beyond Coping Strategies

Clear out the root cause triggers that drive self-sabotage behaviour, so you can step up to make the difference you were born to make, with courage, confidence & passion.

Busy Person-Friendly

Accelerated learning techniques and lessons in bite-sized chunks, to make it as easy as possible for you to fit high-impact, low-effort breakthroughs in around your schedule.

Author of Ditching Imposter Syndrome & Coaching Imposter Syndrome

A Message From Clare Josa.

10x Author, International Keynote Speaker, 
Reformed Engineer

Over the past 20+ years, I’ve helped over 100,000 people to shrink their stress levels, crank up their confidence, and wave goodbye to Imposter Syndrome & burnout. I even train and certify others to become Practitioners and Master Coaches in this work.

My approach?

Going beyond coping strategies and mindset-level sticking plasters, so you can clear the hidden root causes of self-sabotaging behaviours, using proven, science-backed strategies. All in inspirational, bite-sized, busy-person-friendly, practical steps.

You'll get to finally feel good enough, having the impact your ideas and dreams deserve, with courage, confidence and passion.

Inspiration gives you the idea.

Motivation gets you started.

But it’s habit and routine that actually create change.

And the Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App is designed to support you with exactly that!

With Inspirational New Busy-Person-Friendly Trainings Each Month, Which One Will You Pick First?

Here's some of what's already waiting for you:

What if, just for the next 30 days...

... you played with swapping out doom-scrolling and social media addiction...

... for a 5-minute #DoOneThing in the app?

What might shift for you?

Designed To Help You Create High-Impact, Low-Effort Breakthroughs

Making changing your life fast, fun, and forever.


Harnessing the power of neuroplasticity, combined with Clare's science-backed Natural Resilience Method®, implement powerful strategies in manageable steps, to boost your confidence and clear Imposter Syndrome.


Helping you to focus on one daily #DoOneThing for just 5 minutes, transforming your habits, and replacing doom-scrolling with positive action that brings instant rewards, easily building daily new habits.


Share the journey & find accountability in the forums, celebrate wins & get answers to your questions in #AskClare livestreams, and join monthly hot seat coaching calls with Clare and her Master Coaches.

What Do People Say About These Strategies & How They Can Help You?

Laurens bonnema

Exactly what I hoped for - and needed

What a wonderful book indeed! Practical, but with enough theory to help you understand why the steps work. Holistic, without becoming overly esoteric.

Awesome, in a very understated British way.

One of the best self-help books I’ve read. Helped me tie together The Miracle Morning, Atomic Habits, Getting Things Done, and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by helping me become who I need to be to really make use of those books.

Sue Ingram

Who knew....I have Imposter Syndrome...but now I can sort myself out!

I felt myself nodding along in agreement as the real life examples are so relatable, Clare has such a great way of explaining pretty complex strategies and thought patterns that we all experience. 

I love her practical solutions and exercises - I feel so much more positive about how I can address the many points that I recognised in myself.

I just wanted to express how good this book is - it's deep yet there are fun explanations. Love it!

head of customer services

I'm already seeing big changes.

Being able to work on my natural resilience has had a large shift for me. Previously I would take any comment personally. I was on my guard in meetings. I used to keep quiet, in case they judged me.

Now, by getting grounded before I respond and after working on my natural resilience, I no longer take comments personally. They were never meant that way. But it's such a weight off my shoulders. And that was just in the first few weeks!

Gayle Howard

Changed My Life

I didn't realise how important this would become. Imposter syndrome is so much more debilitating than a lot of people realise. 

Ditching Imposter Syndrome is invaluable. I am going to keep coming back to it time and time again.

research leader

I'm already seeing results that I would previously have thought impossible.

I no longer get stuck in worrying. I've got clear boundaries with energy vampires (which used to be a big issue for me) and I'm no longer stuck in the mind-story drama.

I had a situation last week that would previously have ruined my weekend, but now it barely bothered me. And I wasn't pretending to be ok with it. I was ok. It didn't phase me at all.

And I'm speaking up more with my ideas in meetings. My boss has noticed the difference.

Get The Ditching Imposter Syndrome Accelerator™

This is exclusively available to Courage Club members of the Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App.

If this were packaged as a stand-alone course, with this level of personalised support, it would be at least £997.

But we want to help as many people as possible to benefit from the inspiration inside the app.

Start your Courage Club membership today for just £1 for your first 30 days. 

Dive in today, risk-free, and you can start creating breakthroughs, even before bedtime tonight.


£20 pm

£1 for your first 30 days, then £20 per month, with no tie-in.

  • The Ditching Imposter Syndrome Accelerator™
  • All of the other life-changing tools in the Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App
  • Live calls, private forum, Q&A livestreams with Clare Josa
  • Virtual journal and habit-tracking, build up streaks, feel the shifts you're making

Limitless Access - One-Time Payment


Prefer a one-off payment? Get Limitless Access half price today, and it's fully covered by our 30-day risk-free guarantee.

  • Get everything that's included with the monthly payment option
  • Plus exclusive masterclasses with Clare Josa
  • Plus jump the queue on Q&A and hot seat coaching calls
  • And get first-chance invitations to inspirational events
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You missed out!

Join today for a 50% discount. This usually costs £297.

Risk-Free Guarantee

There's no tie-in with your monthly membership. You're in complete control. You can cancel at any time and no future payments will be taken. We even remind you how to cancel, inside the app's FAQs course, in your welcome emails, and on each invoice.

With the Limitless Access option, there are no future payments. Instead of paying £20 per month, you get Limitless Access for a one-off payment today. And you're fully covered by our risk-free guarantee.

So if you try the app's inspirational strategies on for size and they don't help you, let us know within the next 30 days and we'll refund your payment - no hard feelings. It's our risk-free guarantee.


How do I access this training?

It's all waiting for you inside the Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App, which you can download to your phone, or access online with the no-downloads web-app.

How much time does it take?

The core idea is your 5-minute-a-day #DoOneThing, to create life-changing shifts as you build new habits.

The how-to trainings are all between 5 and 30 minutes long.

And you can read or listen to the book, at your own pace.

What does 'research-backed' mean?

The inspirational strategies you'll be learning are grounded in 20 years of research - as carried out by Clare, who has a research Masters Degree and was previously Head of Market Research for one of the world's most disruptive brands.

So it's not kind of stuff that was cobbled together on the back of a beer mat in a pub, or something a coach made up because a handful of clients quite liked something. It's grounded in science, and backed by landmark research studies involving thousands of people. It's proven to get you results you'll love.

How does the risk-free guarantee work?

You wouldn't take a banana back to a supermarket for a refund if it went brown because you forgot to eat it, or you were too busy, or decided you didn't want bananas anymore.

It's the same with the risk-free guarantee.

The strategies in your Accelerator and in the Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App have the potential to transform your life - but you have to actually use them. And we do our best to make that as easy as possible!

But we know there's a lot of gumph out there on Imposter Syndrome that doesn't work, and you might well have tried it, and felt let down. So you might be finding it hard to believe that it will work for you this time.

We want to remove the risk from your decision to say yes to taking the actions that will get the 'future you' doing a happy dance.

So for Limitless Access payments, we will give you a no-hard-feelings refund of your payment, within the first 30 days, if you find that the strategies and courses don't help you - as long as you have genuinely tried them on for size.

We hope you'll agree that's fair.

When are the calls with Clare?

We vary the times of these to accommodate as many timezones as possible, and they take place inside UK office hours.

You'll get access to a calendar with the upcoming calls, once you've registered.

How long will it take to get results?

The Ditching Imposter Syndrome Accelerator™ is designed to help you get results in 5-minute chunks, so it's perfect for you if 'little and often' is the approach you want.

If you want to blitz Imposter Syndrome, fast, then Clare's six-week Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp™ might be a better option for you. It takes about 2-3 hours per week, plus daily practice, and you'll fully supported by one of Clare's Imposter Syndrome Master Coaches.

With the Accelerator, inside the Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App, you'll start to see shifts as soon as the first few days. And it is designed to give you regular, gentle progress. So it's going to take longer than the Bootcamp. 

But you'll be seeing results with each new #DoOneThing you choose, and the ninja trainings and monthly hacks are designed to help you experience transformations, even just by watching them.

Can I teach these strategies to others?

Clare runs the world's first ever Imposter Syndrome Master Coach course, for experienced coaches and therapists, as well as the much-loved Imposter Syndrome Practitioner™, for those who want to be able to share the foundation-level techniques with colleagues and clients.

Find out more about this transformational training, including how to apply, here.

Can I get an enterprise licence for my team?

Absolutely! Limitless Access licences are available for organisations who want a minimum of 100 places. And it's a one-off payment, with no future fees.

We can also work with you to include this training in your employee benefits or discounts programme.

Nancy Marmolejo

Executive Coach

Expect Breakthroughs

Many personal growth programmes are by people who have had personal epiphanies, then try to sell unattainable solutions built on vague concepts that are not easy to materialise... because the trainer doesn't know how to unpack their own processes.

Clare's background as an engineer and NLP Trainer PLUS her life experience uniquely qualifies her as THE person to deconstruct the art and science of bypassing your mental and emotions blocks, to achieve success.

Janine Coombes

Marketing Consultant

Clare is my go-to Imposter Syndrome expert

I love the way Clare explains things. Her extensive experience of running her own business, writing her books, previous roles in market research and training in NLP and meditation seem to have been blended to create the perfect course leader.

I'd highly recommend Clare for anything she's offering. All of her offers are well thought through and I trust her authority as an author and an imposter syndrome expert.