Want to ditch Imposter Syndrome but you need to press 'pause' on it, first? Fast? Then my Ditching Imposter Syndrome Emergency Quick Fix training will really help.

It's perfect for times when you need tools that work fast. Maybe you're about to step up on stage. Perhaps you're walking into a client pitch. Or you're about to hit 'send' on an email that could give you a chance to shine.
And the time to practise those tools is now, so they're second-nature by the time you need them.
There are times and places for navel-gazing and root cause shifts. And there are times for emergency quick fixes. And in those moments you don't want to have to resort to Uncle Google - or pretending - or forcing yourself to push on through.
The Imposter Syndrome Emergency Quick Fix training brings you two options:
Plus you'll learn:
Start Ditching Imposter Syndrome In The Next Sixty Seconds:
The techniques you'll learn in this short video training are perfect for those times when you don't have time for navel-gazing - but you don't want to have to pretend or white-wash, either.
Ignoring Imposter Syndrome just makes it shout louder. And dealing with it is easier than the experts have been letting on. I’d love to teach you how.
Clare Josa