How To Log In To Your Readers' Club

The Dare to Dream Bigger readers' club is hosted inside Clare's Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App. You can get the app on your phone, or you can log in via the web, with nothing to download. Here's how to do it.

Step 1. Apple Users - Go To The App Store

If you have an Apple phone, go to the Apple app store app on your phone.

Search for "Imposter Syndrome Hacks" and you'll find the Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App in the search results.

Step 1. Android Users - Go To Google Play

If you have an Android phone, go to the Google Play app store app on your phone.

Search for "Imposter Syndrome Hacks" and you'll find the Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App in the search results.

Step 1. Web App - Get The Full App Experience Without Downloading It

The Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App is designed to sync across all of your devices, and that includes the web app, which you can find here. The login details are the same as for your phone app. To log in to the web app, instead of downloading the phone app, go to this link and then skip to Step 3 below.

Step 2. Download The App (Optional - you can also use the web version)

Download the Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App onto your phone, using the usual process. Open it and you'll be taken to a page that's asking you to log in.

Step 3. Logging In

Your username is the email address you used when you registered on Clare Josa's website for the app.

If you're new to the app, your password has been sent to you by, so please check your inbox for it, including any spam / promo folder.

Note: if you are already an Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App user,  your usual password will still work.

Step 4. If You Can't Find The Password Email? Or Forgotten Your Password?

If you can't find the password email, click the 'forgot password' link (just above the pink 'log in' button) on the login page. You'll get an email from to reset your password. If you need tech support on this, you can contact us here.

Step 5. Start With The Welcome Course (Optional)

There's so much more waiting for you in the app than just your Dare to Dream Bigger resources! To find out about these, and cool ways to use the app to log your progress and easily pick up where you left off, you could start with the 'Welcome' Course.

It's the first one in your app on the 'courses' tab. It's a great place to start to find your way around the app and give you some quick win actions to take.

Step 6. Explore Your Dare To Dream Bigger Reader Resources!

Scroll down to the section in the 'Courses' tab called "Clare's Books & Reader Resources" and you'll find the Dare to Dream Bigger book. The resources are arranged in the same sections and order as you'll find in the book.

PS Want The Web App?

The Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App is designed to sync across all of your devices, and that includes the web app, which you can find here. The login details are the same as for your phone app. You can get everything that's in the readers' club, without having to download anything, if that's what you prefer.

Got Questions?

Here's where to get in touch with us if you have questions about the app. We're here to help!