The 'future you' is doing a happy dance, because you want to do something that most people will never do: you want to stop ignoring Imposter Syndrome, hoping it will go away, and take action to set yourself free from it, once and for all. And you want to do that not just for yourself, but for your wider organisation!
That has the potential to change so many lives.
And it's much easier than you might think, when you have the right strategies and support.
There are a range of ways that we can help with this. If you're ready to dive in and take action, then please start by taking our ten-minute, research-backed diagnostic assessment tool. It's quiz-style and will give you insights into how exactly Imposter Syndrome is affecting your teams, and suggested next steps.
Completing this also takes you to my calendar, to book a call so I can tailor a proposal for you, with scalable solutions that cost much less than you might think to implement.
The other option, if you're still at the 'maybe' stage, is to download our latest research white paper on the role of Imposter Syndrome in the gender pay gap. It's a shocking read, based on the 2024 Imposter Syndrome Research Study. It's worth waving under the noses of key decision-makers in your organisation, to get them on board with taking action on this.

Clare Josa, Author of Ditching Imposter Syndrome & Coaching Imposter Syndrome
Which Option Is Right For You?

Research-backed, quiz-style diagnostic tool
How is Imposter Syndrome affecting your teams?

Imposter Syndrome Research white paper
The role of Imposter Syndrome in the gender pay gap.
Here Are Some Other Options:

Ready to dive in and get certified to help others to set themselves free from Imposter Syndrome, whilst clearing out yours, too?

Want to know what to do if Imposter Syndrome gate-crashes your 1:1 conversations, as a line manager, MHFA or HR professional?

Join over 25,000 listeners for practical inspiration from Clare's Ditching Imposter Syndrome podcast. Episodes include how to help yourself and others, with proven, science-backed strategies.