Looking For Imposter Syndrome Coaching Training?

Learn how to support others to set themselves free from Imposter Syndrome, burnout and toxic resilience, in ways that are fast, fun and forever.

Discover how to spread a wave of empowered change around the world.

Join The Life-Changing Natural Resilience Method® Practitioner Or Imposter Syndrome Master Coach™ Certification Programme with Clare Josa.

This work has never been more desperately needed. And whether you're looking for Imposter Syndrome coaching training to add Clare Josa's inspirational strategies to your private client toolbox, or wanting to bring them into your employer's organisation, you have the chance to make a measurable difference for yourself and for others.

Here's what our research studies show:

1 in 10

people have thought about quitting their job due to Imposter Syndrome or burnout TODAY.

And it's 1 in 4, thinking about it every single week.

Imposter Syndrome and burnout impact every area of business and life:


Struggle with Imposter Syndrome daily or regularly, to an extent that affects their performance, productivity & wellbeing.


Don't feel fully confident speaking up with their ideas in meetings, and actively hold back, leading to #GroupThink and lost innovation.


Actively avoid being visible and hold back from taking opportunities to shine, due to the fear of being 'found out'.

Despite this being incredibly common, most people think they're the only one feeling this way, and it can lead to chronic stress, anxiety,  burnout, toxic teams, and losing your rising stars. They pile on the coping strategies that, ironically, can make things worse.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

It's time to move beyond 'tea and sympathy' and stop papering over the cracks with yet more coping strategies and mindset work. It's totally possible for people to set themselves free from Imposter Syndrome and burnout, once and for all - and it's simple, once they know how.

But most people don't. And that's where you come in.

watch clare's #NoMoreCopingStrategieS VIDEO

Who Is This Imposter Syndrome Coaching Training For?

You can learn Clare Josa's ground-breaking, research-backed techniques for clearing burnout, toxic resilience and Imposter Syndrome at two levels - Practitioner (affectionately known as Imposter Syndrome First-Aiders) and Imposter Syndrome Master Coach™.

This training is ideal for:

Coaches & Therapists

You can add these strategies to your toolkit at the foundation or advanced levels, helping your clients to create breakthroughs, even if they feel like they've tried everything and nothing has worked.

Line Managers

You'll never need to feel stuck for how to support colleagues with preventing burnout and clearing Imposter Syndrome again. You'll have proven strategies that can create breakthroughs in minutes, not months.

HR Professionals & MHFAs

You'll be shifting from 'catch and pass in a crisis' to genuine prevention, supporting individuals and teams in thriving and fulfilling their potential, knowing that there's more to wellbeing than beanbags in meeting rooms.

Don't Know Clare Josa Yet?

Clare has specialised in Imposter Syndrome since 2003 and is considered a global authority in the field.

She has published 2 books on the topic - Ditching Imposter Syndrome and Coaching Imposter Syndrome, and her Ditching Imposter Syndrome podcast has over 25,000 listeners in more than 140 countries.

She originally trained in Mechanical Engineering and Six Sigma, which means her inspirational work is grounded in practical common sense. She brings to this demystified ancient wisdom from her training as a meditation and yoga teacher, plus her expertise as an NLP Trainer since 2003.

This unique combination means she can teach you how to create breakthroughs, even for clients who feel like they have tried everything.

As seen in:

How Does The Natural Resilience Method® Help You To Create Breakthroughs, Even Where Nothing Else Has Worked?

Click to play

You'll get to learn direct from the source of this work - Clare Josa - the creator of the Natural Resilience Method® and the best-selling author of Ditching Imposter Syndrome...

... who is considered a global authority on Imposter Syndrome and burnout.

You'll learn how to share Clare's work 1:1, with credibility, courage, confidence and passion, in ways that mean it's safe and effective.

And instead of trying to cobble together ideas for how to help people with only half the pieces of the jigsaw, you'll know exactly how to teach individuals Clare's life-changing strategies, helping them to create breakthroughs that they never dreamed were possible.

Clare will personally teach you how to help people to create breakthroughs, in ways that are fast, fun and forever, in just a few sessions - forget year-long 'will this ever end' coaching programmes.

And you'll be fully supported, with specially designed teaching materials, regular Q&A calls with Clare or her Master Trainers (just for your cohort), and a private online forum, to celebrate your successes and get answers to your questions.

You'll be helping to spread a wave of empowered change around the world!

Become a certified Practitioner or Master Coach in this inspirational work.

You'll be fully supported by Clare Josa and her team to help people in clearing Imposter Syndrome, burnout and toxic resilience.

Within 2 months of starting the Certified Imposter Syndrome training I had released blocks around visibility that had held me back for years! 

Within three months I had onboarded extra 121 clients, making back 50% of the course investment before we even started the main Master Coach programme.

This work is powerful and I love helping my clients shift their Imposter Syndrome blocks. And the best bit? I now LOVE being visible online! 

Thanks Clare for this life changing work.

- LIsa Jelly


Practical Inspiration That Fits Around Your Busy Schedule

If you enrol at Natural Resilience Method® Practitioner level, you'll feel confident in foundation-level strategies, which are enough to help the majority of people with Imposter Syndrome and burnout.

If you join us at Imposter Syndrome Master Coach™ level, you'll become a genuine expert, with strategies to support those with the most severe Imposter Syndrome, or those in leadership or high-visibility roles. You'll have the root-cause-level prevention strategies that will get clients and colleagues wondering whether you've got a magic wand.

  • Inspirational, research-backed modules that you can study in coffee-break-friendly chunks, fitting around even the busiest of calendars
  • Live small-group tutorial calls, for ninja tips, to celebrate your successes, and to get hot seat coaching with Clare or one of her Master Coaches
  • Deep-dive and science-backed, you'll have the latest data from Clare's research studies, so you can feel confident leading the Imposter Syndrome and burnout discussions with your clients or teams
  • Moving beyond 'tea and sympathy' into practical solutions that actually work - avoiding the common pitfalls that can accidentally keep people stuck with Imposter Syndrome, burnout and toxic resilience
  • Ready-to-implement, proven Imposter Syndrome and burnout prevention strategies, complete with workbooks, self-mentoring questions, and a private podcast with MP3s of core techniques. These create results in minutes, not months.
  • Learn the way you love to learn, fluff-free, all in bite-sized chunks - with videos, audios, workbooks, quizzes, and two busy-person-friendly put-it-into-practice assignments, and fully supported implementation case studies. Designed by Clare Josa, an NLP Trainer since 2003 (an expert in designing training courses that actually work) - this training is a fluff-free zone)
  • Feel fully supported on your Practitioner or Master Coach journey - with a private forum discussion for each lesson, just for your cohort, plus the small-group tutorial calls, and ongoing support and coaching supervision, once you graduate.

- Nancy Marmolejo, Executive Coach & Speaker

Expect Breakthroughs

Many personal growth programmes are by people who have had personal epiphanies, then try to sell unattainable solutions built on vague concepts that are not easy to materialise... because the trainer doesn't know how to unpack their own processes.

Clare's background as an engineer and NLP Trainer PLUS her life experience uniquely qualifies her as THE person to deconstruct the art and science of bypassing your mental and emotions blocks, to achieve success.

"Changing the world isn't so much about what you do;
it's about who you allow yourself to become."

- Clare Josa

The Missing Link?

If you've been thinking, "Who am I to help others with Imposter Syndrome when I feel like an imposter myself?" then you're in the right place!

Worried you won't be able to help people with this because your own inner critic is still running wild and you don't know how to handle your own Imposter Syndrome?

Not a problem! That's why this Imposter Syndrome coaching training is designed so that you first learn how to use all of the strategies and apply them for yourself, before you learn how to teach them to others...

... so that your Inner Critic won't get in the way of you helping them with theirs.

You'll feel prepared, capable and confident to help others, one-to-one, as either a Natural Resilience Method® Practitioner or Imposter Syndrome Master Coach™.

2024 Enrolment Is Now Open

Clare is passionate that this can only be done if the coach has cleared out their own blocks first. And I'm so glad I did it.

During this process I was able to clear out a real sticky belief that had been holding me back. This resulted in me tendering for a piece of work for a large corporate client that I know that I wouldn’t have done without working through the tools on the programme.

The way in which I structured the tender was very different to how I would normally convey my work. I am pleased to say that I was awarded the contract and I am delighted!

- sam redman

There Are Two Levels For This Imposter Syndrome Coaching Training

01: Practitioner

Practitioner Training

This is enough to help about 80% of people, with science-backed, proven strategies to help them create breakthroughs fast, helping them both in-the-moment and longer-term with preventative techniques.

This is ideal for you if you don't want to make Imposter Syndrome your core focus, but want to be able to deeply support people, in your primary role, whether that's as a coach, consultant, line manager, HR professional or Mental Health First-Aider.

02: Imposter Syndrome Master Coach

Moving Into Mastery

Move your coaching into mastery and become a genuine expert in preventing Imposter Syndrome, burnout and toxic resilience.

Start with the Practitioner training, so that you have foundation-level techniques you can start using right away, then work directly with Clare in a small group (max 8) with personal development training that past students have described as 'world class'.

And each level has two phases: create breakthroughs for yourself, then learning how to use the strategies to help others. It's a core element of both the Practitioner and Master Coach programmes that you get to apply these transformational strategies for yourself, first, before learning how to use them safely and effectively with clients.

So you'll work on ditching your own Imposter Syndrome before helping them to clear theirs!

There's a world of difference between information and implementation.

It's not uncommon for people to try to use Clare's latest book - Ditching Imposter Syndrome - plus her podcasts, masterclasses and social media posts to try to figure out how to use her strategies with clients and colleagues.

But there's a world of difference between having random parts of the jigsaw puzzle, vs knowing exactly how to use Clare's life-changing strategies to help colleagues or clients to experience shifts, safely and effectively, which is what you'll learn on this Imposter Syndrome coaching training.

Also, at both Practitioner and Master Coach level, Clare teaches you her proven, science-back strategies, and then supports you in moving from theory into wisdom, through your case studies.

So you'll feel confident, knowing step by step exactly how to support colleagues and clients, no matter how Imposter Syndrome has been affecting them.

What Will You Learn?

Both the Practitioner and Master Coach certification programmes start with the Natural Resilience Method® Practitioner training. This means that in as few as 12 weeks, you can already be sharing these science-backed strategies with clients or colleagues, at the foundation level.
Then, if you're an experienced coach or therapist and you meet the requirements to train as a Master Coach, you will then be invited to move on to the advanced programme. In this, Clare holds nothing back, teaching you the models, strategies, shortcuts and ninja tips she has spent the past 20 years creating, that make even the trickiest of client self-sabotage blocks melt like butter in the summer sun.
Are you the kind of person who needs to see the detailed syllabus before it's a yes?

Affectionately known as Imposter Syndrome First-Aiders.

For those who want high-impact, low-effort foundation-level tools and strategies.
Course syllabus is here - password: countmein

Only for experienced coaches & therapists who want to become experts in this work.
Course syllabus is here - password: countmein

Which Course Should You Choose?

This Imposter Syndrome coaching training is available at two levels - Practitioner and Master Coach. And both start with the Practitioner programme. Here's how to decide which is the better option for you:

Natural Resilience Method® Practitioner

This is about adding foundation-level skills in Imposter Syndrome and burnout to your toolkit. It's ideal for those who want this as something 'on the side', for your coaching or to help consulting clients to get unblocked.

In organisations, it's perfect for line managers, HR professionals, Mental Health First-Aiders and those who love to make a difference.

Imposter Syndrome Master Coach™

This is a post-grad programme for experienced coaches and therapists, both working as external coaches or in-house in an organisation (you don't have to have followed a traditional route).

You'll get advanced, cutting-edge techniques to clear out deeply hidden, 'sticky' blocks, even if clients feel like they've tried everything. You'll be an expert in this work. 

- Ian Anderson Grey, Founder of Seriously Social

Refreshing Science-Backed Approach

Clare's approach is backed up by science and deep research. But doesn't just share the theory, she shares practical steps to rid yourself of Imposter Syndrome and your inner blocks, once and for all. I was very sceptical, but now I'm certainly a believer.

How Will You Learn?

Clare has been a pioneer of high-impact, low-effort online training since 2003. Her expertise as an NLP Trainer, combined with her original background as a Six Sigma Mechanical Engineer, means that what she teaches if fluff-free, step-by-step, and designed to make it as easy and fun as possible for you to learn.

Here's what to expect in your Imposter Syndrome coaching training:

Click to play

Inspirational Online Modules

You'll get a blend of coffee-break-friendly videos, audios, workbooks, self-mentoring exercises, quizzes, cheat sheets and more.

Click to play

Virtual Journal

Capture your lightbulbs and document what you've discovered with the self-mentoring work - and save it right there inside your course, so it's easy for you to come back to, whenever you want to.

Click to play

Mentor In Your Pocket™

The core techniques are waiting for you in a student-only private podcast, meaning you can listen to them in your favourite podcast app, whenever you need them. You can also play them to clients, in your 1:1 sessions.

Students describe this as being like having Clare in their pocket as a mini-mentor.

Click to play

Live Small-Group Tutorial Calls

Throughout your training you'll get live tutorial calls with Clare or one of her Master Trainers, held via Zoom, so you can join us from anywhere in the world. These are perfect for hot seat coaching, getting ninja strategies to support you implementing this work, and for learning from your fellow students.

Click to play

Find Your Tribe

You get a private accountability community for both the Practitioner and Master Coach programmes, just for your cohort. It's the perfect place to get answers to your questions, between calls, to celebrate your successes, and to support each other. You can connect with your tribe via the private forum that is built into every lesson, and also via the private WhatsApp group, for off-topic, ad-hoc discussions.

Click to play

Buddying Up

When you get to the implementation phase of the Practitioner or Master Coach programme, we'll buddy you up with others from your cohort, so you can practice the techniques with each other in a safe space, experimenting and getting feedback, before using them 'in the real world' with colleagues or clients.

Click to play

Love Letters After Your Name? And CPD Hours?

These courses aren't just signed off by Clare Josa, they're certified by the UK's Institute of Leadership & Management. Successful completion means you're eligible to join the Institute as a full member, at a discounted rate. Forget Twitter blue ticks! You'll then be able to use the post-nominals MInstLM.

Click to play

And Remember Your Grads-Only Membership!

The support doesn't end when you complete your certification. With grads-only membership of the Soultuitive® Coaching Lab, we're there to help you to feel confident in sharing this work, long-term. You'll get monthly coaching supervision calls, CPD masterclasses with Clare and other industry experts, a grads-only discussion forum, and a VIP ticket to our annual conference (virtual).

This video shows you what's waiting for you already in the Soultuitive® Coaching Lab, even as a student member, plus the post-grad resources.

practitioner student

I love the private podcast. It's great being able to grab my phone and listen to the techniques right when I need them. It has also really helped me to create the habit each week.

And the group tutorial calls are amazing. I've learned so much from them. It has made such a difference to getting me to take action to implement what I've been learning.

Master Coach student

I love that this course balances science, research and practical strategies for change. But it goes deeper than surface-level fixes. I have learned techniques that are making a real difference in the way I talk to myself, and the actions I'm taking.

I'm sharing my ideas more easily in meetings and I've noticed a big improvement in the quality of my sleep, as I worry less and don't need to waste time beating myself up. I love this!

Trauma-informed, research-backed, proven strategies to deeply clear Imposter Syndrome.

The proven link between Imposter Syndrome and trauma means that it's essential that anyone doing this depth of work is taught trauma-informed processes, to make it safe and effective.

Trauma-informed approaches are built into every stage of this training, and you'll also learn how to spot the hidden warning signs that a client might need you to refer them on a trauma specialist.

How Much Time Does The Imposter Syndrome Coach Training Take?



inspirational modules over 3 months


twice-monthly small-group tutorial calls


total months' support (from humans!)


hours per week per module

Assessment includes 2 busy-person-friendly implementation assignments, plus 3 case studies (unless you're going on to Master Coach, in which case it's just one at this stage).

After completing the Natural Resilience Method® Practitioner programme, you'll be ready and confident to start implementing this work with clients and colleagues, at the foundation level.

If you've successfully completed the Practitioner training and are invited to continue as a Master Coach, here's what else you get next:

Master Coach


additional deep-dive modules over 6 months


months' small-group calls with Clare, for expert support


months of taught-live modules to move you into mastery with your coaching


hours per week during the study phase (6 months)

Assessment at this level is based on your course participation, and after the main teaching phase you are fully supported to complete six case studies, which form your final implementation assignment.

What They Say About Clare's Imposter Syndrome Coaching Training

head of customer services

Being able to work on my natural resilience has had a large shift for me. Previously I would take any comment personally. I was on my guard in meetings. I used to keep quiet, in case they judged me.

Now, by getting grounded before I respond and after working on my natural resilience, I no longer take comments personally. They were never meant that way. But it's such a weight off my shoulders. And that was just in the first ten weeks of this course!

Research lead, It consultanacy

After phase one I no longer get stuck in worrying. I've got clear boundaries with energy vampires (which used to be a big issue for me) and I'm no longer stuck in the mind-story drama.

I had a situation last week that would previously have ruined my weekend, but now it barely bothered me. And I wasn't pretending to be ok with it. I was ok. It didn't phase me at all.

And I'm speaking up more with my ideas in meetings. My boss has noticed the difference.

I'm just starting out on using this work with colleagues as a Practitioner, but already I'm seeing results that I would previously have thought impossible. And it's so easy for them.

comms manager, FMCG

I was made redundant just before I started working with Clare on this. I was in a very low place. But these strategies were life-changing.

Since the course, I've successfully applied for Chartered Status, which I had put off for years because I was scared.

And I went for a promotion, which I actually got, instead of talking myself out of it. I love my new role. I rarely find myself worrying now. And I get to use the strategies I learned with Clare to support my wider team to experience the same breakthroughs that I have.

Thank you, Clare!

One of the most common questions people ask me after they've watched one of my Imposter Syndrome keynote talks is what they can do to support team members. And coaches often ask me (secretly) how they can help clients to get unstuck, so that they no longer self-sabotage due to Imposter Syndrome, so they can unlock better results.

They can see the impact Imposter Syndrome is having, both for individuals and for their organisation's success, but they're not sure where to start to make the shift from yet more coping strategies to preventative solutions. And they're often running Imposter Syndrome themselves, too.

So I've created these two Imposter Syndrome coaching training programmes to give you tools that make a difference, fast, when they're needed most.

You'll feel confident in using them, because you'll have learned how to use them for yourself, first, rewiring your brain to turn your inner critic into a genuine cheerleader, setting yourself free from Imposter Syndrome.

And you'll be getting to make a difference, removing the Imposter Syndrome taboo and helping people to reconnect with hope - as they realise they can do something practical to stop Imposter Syndrome in its tracks and they no longer have to live at the mercy of negative self-talk.

Are you in?

Why Learn This Stuff?

A message from Clare Josa

A message from Clare Josa,
your course leader

An inspirational blend of world-class personal development, with science-backed, proven strategies and demystified ancient wisdom, to empower you to have the impact your ideas and dreams deserve.

There are only 16 places on each cohort at Practitioner level

and 8 at Master Coach level.

And the next public-access cohort starts on January 13th 2025.

Places are filling up fast. So if your heart is calling you to join us for this, please confirm your place today.

If the button below for your chosen cohort still works, then there is still a place for you. If not, it will take you to the waiting list page for that cohort, or you could come back here to apply for a different one.

Get Certified: Confirm Your Place Today

Choose your cohort and make your initial payment. This confirms your place.

You'll then go to a welcome questionnaire. It's really important to complete this (it takes 5-10 minutes) so we can tailor your training to your needs and interests.

We can't wait to get to work with you on this.

Natural Resilience Method® Practitioner

(Imposter Syndrome First-Aider)

14 Weeks of teaching + 9 months of case study support

£2,995 + VAT

  • Ideal for coaches, consultants, line managers, HR professionals & MHFAs who want to add Imposter Syndrome prevention strategies to their toolkit
  • 1 year's access to the training materials
  • You're fully supported by Clare Josa & her team of certified coaches, it's not just peer support
  • Payment plan available

Imposter Syndrome
Master Coach

For Experienced Coaches & Therapists

9 Months of teaching + 6 months of case study support

£7,995 + VAT (includes the Practitioner Course)

  • Only for experienced coaches and therapists who want to become an expert in preventing Imposter Syndrome, burnout & toxic resilience
  • 2 years' access to the training materials, including the Practitioner training, which is a pre-requisite, and is included in the Master Coach course fee
  • You're fully supported by Clare Josa & her team of certified coaches, it's not just peer support
  • Payment plan & bursary rate available


When are the live calls?

These run via Zoom and are Q&A format with hot seat mentoring. The main teaching for the course happens via the video training and the podcast app.

You can join us from anywhere in the world.

All calls are optional and are there to support you to get the most from this programme. They are audio recorded and are only available to people in your cohort, to protect your privacy.

Calls are arranged to suit as many timezones as possible can join us. Dates and times are in your welcome pack. They are usually on Wednesdays or Thursdays, during UK office hours.

If you need an answer to this before signing up, please contact us. Please note: the call dates for a cohort will be published 3 months before that cohort starts.

How do I access the training?

The main training is in a secure area of my online training vault, which means you can access it from any computer or smartphone, at a time to suit you.

And you've got a full year's access - it won't suddenly disappear. So you can come back to it and revisit the training whenever you want to.

How does the forum work?

There's a separate discussion thread for each lesson in the modules, which are only visible to fellow students on your cohort and my certified Imposter Syndrome Master Coaches and Trainers, so you can easily keep track of where you're up to - and see what others have been sharing, too.

It's the perfect place to share your lightbulb moments, for accountability, to bounce ideas, and network to make new friends.

And you also get a private discussion forum inside the Imposter Syndrome Hacks™ App, just for your cohort's students, for off-topic conversations and getting answers to your questions between tutorial calls.

How long does certification last?

Certification lasts for a year after you complete your assignments, after which you'll be asked to complete some CPD, to make sure you're always using the latest techniques, as a grad member of our Soultuitive® Coaching Lab.

You'll also be asked to complete a short assignment, to showcase what you have learned over the previous two years.

This is also a great chance to get answers to any questions you might have.

It also includes your monthly newsletter, access to all future upgrades and new techniques, and an invitation to our annual conference (virtual), to learn from expert seminars and also join in on co-creating the future vision for this work.

Can I get multiple seats for my team?

Absolutely. We can set this up for you. Each organisation can send up to five delegates onto a public-access cohort.

We can also run this for you as an in-house programme, rather than being part of the public programme, for a minimum of 20 people.

Details are here.

Is there a brochure I can show my boss?

Yes, there is. It includes all of the key information from this page, plus a bit of background on what Imposter Syndrome is / isn't and how certified Practitioners and Master Coaches can help an organisation.

It also explains the process for reserving your place while the invoice is processed and paid by your organisation.

Please contact us to request a copy.

How is this course assessed?

There's little value in a coaching certificate that people can get just by watching videos and doing a few quizzes. So, yes, these certification programmes do include the dreaded 'audience participation'!

But we make it as easy as possible.

These trainings aren't just about gaining knowledge - learning facts. They're about you doing the deeper work to create transformations for yourself, then learning how to do that to support others...

... and actually doing it!

So there are short put-it-into-practice assignments, to get you past that classic initial awkwardness at implementing what you're learning.

Then there are some fully supported case studies. There are 3 at Practitioner level and 6 for the Master Coaches.

Assessment to pass the certification is based on the case studies, and also your engagement with the programme and your tutorial calls, as well as seeing that you have applied the strategies for yourself, so that you can be an authentic coach with your clients in this work.

What if I can't make the live calls?

These cover as many time zones as possible.

The main teaching happens with each week's self-study modules, so if you can't make a Q&A call, you're still getting full access to the programme. The calls are audio recorded, and are only accessible by students in your cohort, so you can still catch them.

If there's a call you can't make and you have a question for Clare, you can email her team (you'll get details of how to do that once you're registered) and she'll record an answer for you.

Does this qualify me as a coach?

The Practitioner training certifies you to support people on a 1:1 'first aid' basis and is not a coaching qualification.

It does not qualify or authorise you to market yourself as an Imposter Syndrome Coach.

However, the Imposter Syndrome Master Coach training does.

It helps experienced coaches, therapists and mentors to work at the deeper levels required for Imposter Syndrome work.

NOTE:  The Practitioner programme is a pre-requisite for the Master Coach training.

The Master Coach about helping you to support someone to set themselves free from Imposter Syndrome, once and for all.

In comparison, the Practitioner training is about 'first aid' and foundation-level 'preventative'. 

It's about supporting them when Imposter Syndrome strikes, and also teaching them the foundations of how to choose which thoughts to feed. This is one of my five pillars for truly ditching Imposter Syndrome, and it can change their life forever.

It's an incredible gift to be able to share with them.

And it also qualifies you to support team members through my Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp™ programme.

What's the difference between an Imposter Syndrome First-Aider and a Mental Health First-Aider?

Mental health first-aiders play a vital role in spotting and supporting people in times of a mental health crisis.

They are a listening ear, trained to know the difference between key mental health issues, such as depression vs schizophrenia, and can help make sure a person gets the professional medical support they need.

However, this only kicks into place once someone is already in crisis - or close to it.

It's about 'catch and pass in a crisis', rather than prevention.

A Natural Resilience Method® Practitioner is trained to facilitate, 1:1, the practical strategies from Clare Josa's Natural Resilience Method® framework to support people before a crisis happens, so that if at all possible it won't.

A certified Practitioner can support people on a preventative basis, rather than waiting until a problem is bad enough to need medical intervention. And one of our certified Master Coaches can support with the even deeper root-cause-level prevention strategies.

Both levels can share proven tools that enable us to:

  • choose which thoughts to feed
  • retrain our inner dialogue to be more supportive
  • worry less
  • reduce stress and anxiety
  • prevent burnout
  • feel calmer and happier
  • become more naturally resilient, instead of 'ounce-back resilient'
  • reset toxic boundaries and move away from battery-draining people-pleasing

These are skills that stay with people for life.

Can I get this invoiced to my company?

Due to the admin and delays this can cause, we have to say 'maybe'. It depends how complex your employer's approved supplier process is.

Your ticket would need to be paid in full, with a purchase order and an approved-for-payment invoice, prior to the start date of the course, otherwise your place will be given to someone on the waiting list and you will need to wait for the 2025 cohort, if it runs then as a public-access course.

Alternatively, please pay by card (Stripe is secure) and reclaim it. You will be given a VAT invoice.

What do the assignments involve?

The assignments are designed to support you in implementing what you're learning - so you don't get to the end of the course and then freeze, because it was all theoretical.

They are also designed to support you in making those initial implementation steps fun and simple - totally non-scary.

I'll be asking you to write up what you have learned from each of the three assignments, but that process is simple and easy, too. All you need to do is answer the assignment report questions.

It's not about Pulitzer prose. It's about me being able to see that you have applied what you have learned and that you're getting ready to become a Natural Resilience Method® Practitioner or Imposter Syndrome Master Coach for your organisation.

You'll get feedback on your assignments from me or one of my certified Mentors, and they're also a great point to ask any questions you might have.

Does this course certify me to run courses?

Both the Practitioner and the Master Coach certifications are for 1:1 work only.

But they do mean you can then add in our Trainer programme, which gives you everything you need to run workshops on Imposter Syndrome, burnout and toxic resilience.

You can find details here.

- Janine Coombes, Marketing Consultant

Clare is my go-to Imposter Syndrome expert

I love the way Clare explains things. Her extensive experience of running her own business, writing her books, previous roles in market research and training in NLP and meditation seem to have been blended to create the perfect course leader.

I'd highly recommend Clare for anything she's offering. All of her offers are well thought through and I trust her authority as an author and an imposter syndrome expert.

Join Us For The Practitioner Programme

£2,995 + VAT - Paid In Advance

If your employer is funding this.

If your employer is covering the cost of this training, you can either instantly confirm your place by paying in full, using the button below, or you can pay via invoice. To be invoiced, please contact us to let us know which start date and training you would like to join. We will hold your place for 14 days and it is confirmed once your accounts team confirms the invoice has been approved.

Payment Plan 12 x £299 - Starting Today, Then 11 Monthly Payments

If you are funding this yourself, and not reclaiming it from your company

The payment plan is only available to people who are funding this course for themselves, not if your employer is funding it. You pay 12 monthly payments of £299, which comes to £2,990 plus VAT.

Instantly confirm your place here by making the initial payment:

Become An Expert With The Imposter Syndrome Master Coach Programme

£7,995 + VAT - Paid In Advance

If your employer is funding this.

If your employer or Ltd company is covering the cost of this training, you can pay via invoice. Please contact us to let us the full details to include on the invoice. We will hold your place for 14 days and it is confirmed once your accounts team confirms the invoice has been approved.

Note: if you haven't already completed the Practitioner training, you will need to join the Jan 25 cohort. This course is included in your Master Coach fee.

Payment Plan: £1,000+VAT Today Then 12 x £499+VAT Monthly

Bursary rate for if you are funding this yourself, and not reclaiming it from your company. Only 3 places available.

The payment plan is only available to people who are funding this course for themselves, not if your employer / Ltd company is funding it. You pay an initial £1,000+VAT, then 12 monthly payments of £499, which comes to a total of £6,990 + VAT.

This is a bursary of £1,000 + VAT.

Instantly confirm your place here by making the initial payment:

Only 3 available.

Note: if you haven't already completed the Practitioner training, you will need to join the Jan 25 cohort. This course is included in your Master Coach fee.

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