Had Enough Of Imposter Syndrome?
Find Out How To Finally Ditch It In Under Six Weeks
Even If You Secretly Believe This Stuff
Works For Everyone Else,
But Doesn't Work For You
This six week group programme will put an end to those secret 3am fears that keep you stuck, dreaming big, but playing small.
I'm not going to write a 32-page sales letter to convince you to ditch Imposter Syndrome. You're either hungry to let it go, or you're not.
And once you're ready to say "YES!", here's how I can help:
As a leader in your business, inspiring yourself, your team and your clients to produce results they had no idea they could achieve is a key part of your role.
But you’re still human.
There are times when you doubt yourself, despite the evidence that you're doing well, and it gets as far as Imposter Syndrome.
You lie awake at 3am, scared they'll 'find you out' as a fraud. You worry that you don't know as much as you should - or as you think others do. You justify turning down golden opportunities, telling yourself you're too busy. You don't speak up when you have brilliant ideas, in case they figure out they made a mistake in choosing you.
But you don’t feel you can tell anyone.
Until the day when you have to. And by then it can be too late.
Pushing down our secret 3am doubts and pretending it’s all ok can make us irritable, turn us into fire-breathing perfectionists and it even rewires your brain, making it harder for you to perform at the level that used to come naturally.
And I know I don’t need to go into what that could be costing your business. Or your health. Or your relationships. You know that already.
I have spent 15 years specialising in mentoring high-achievers - passionate world changers - to ‘get out of their own way’, without pretending, white-washing or ignoring how they feel, deep down inside.
But I don’t do ‘sticky plasters’. If you work with me, I teach you the techniques you need – for life. Clearing those hidden, out-of-date blocks can be fast, fun and forever.
It sets you free from having to push on through your hidden fears, cuts your stress levels and helps you to turn your inner critic into your biggest cheerleader.
And - the fun bit - you get to take off those masks you have been wearing to protect yourself. You get to become more of who you really are, no longer affected by others' opinions. No longer comparing yourself to them.
And that's the perfect way to step up to the next level on your journey.
How Are We Going To Do This?
I'm going to guide you through each step of the ditching Imposter Syndrome process, with a combination of weekly video training, weekly group mentoring calls, and optional 1:1 sessions, starting on June 3rd 2019.
The Ditching Imposter Syndrome 5-Step Process:
Developed over the past 15+ years of specialising in helping high-achievers and passionate world-changers to ditch Imposter Syndrome.
Module 1
June 10th 2019
Why do you want to ditch Imposter Syndrome?
To kick us off, we'll deep-dive on your Big Why for this journey. Hint: it's the secret to staying motivated.
We'll look at your goals for ditching Imposter Syndrome and how you'll measure your success.
Plus we'll be busting the most common Imposter Syndrome myths, including well-intentioned advice that can actually make it worse.
Module 2
June 17th 2019
Taming your inner critic
Imposter Syndrome goes beyond 'mindset' and positive thinking, but the best place to start when you're ditching it is with choosing which thoughts to feed.
This module will teach you exactly how to do that. I've taught this stuff for nearly two decades to many thousands of people. It works like a magic wand.
You'll learn how to press 'pause' on the negative self-talk that stops you from speaking up with your brilliant ideas and owning your inner genius, so you can start to turn your inner critic into your biggest cheerleader, never having to feel like a fraud again.
We take two weeks over this one, to allow you to master the techniques.
Module 3
July 1st 2019
Clearing out limiting beliefs
This module is about clearing out your hidden blocks, beliefs, fears and excuses - the ones that make our big decisions for us, without even realising.
It's a sticky-plaster-free zone.
And it's fun. Even if you've done mindset work before, the techniques you'll learn in this module will get you cranking up your confidence in a way that feels genuine and empowering. No more white-washing.
We take two weeks for this module, to give you plenty of time to clear out those hidden blocks.
Once that's done, we can deep-dive into the real triggers for Imposter Syndrome!
Module 4
July 15th 2019
Ditching Imposter Syndrome
This is where the real magic happens. Once you know how to choose which thoughts to feed, rather than having polar opposites yelling at each other, and you've been clearing out your limiting beliefs, fears and hidden excuses, you can do the real freedom work.
You'll start to spot and take off the masks we so often wear, to start becoming more of who you really are. Once you've done steps one, two and three, this feels safer and can bring an incredible sense of relief.
And the secret at this level is dealing with what psychologists call 'secondary gain' - what our crazy behaviour does for us. It's the secret key to clearing Imposter Syndrome and you're going to find out exactly how to make it work for you.
Module 4 is also where we deal with self-judgement, forgiveness, and rewiring your brain to turn your inner critic into your biggest cheerleader.
Module 5
July 22nd 2019
Consciously creating your future
In our final module you'll learn my proven strategies for consciously creating your future, with no unicorns required.
Grounded and practical, you'll learn how to align with the 'future you', to become that whole version of you, right here, right now.
You'll get to make up for lost time in a way that's a perfect fit with your inner genius.
In this step, my clients learn about the power of intention, about connecting with their innate leadership strengths, the true meaning of resilience and how to consciously create their future.
And you'll create your Massive Action Plan for the next five years of your world-changer journey.
The training materials for each module are published at 9am (UK) on Monday mornings. So they're there for you at a time that works with your schedule.
I'll be doing ad hoc live Q&As in our Facebook group, to cover any questions you have about them and to make sure you have what you need.
The group Q&A calls (via Zoom) are on Fridays at 2pm UK time. You can join in with them from anywhere in the world.
I love the way Clare explains things.
Her extensive experience of running her own business, writing her books, previous roles in market research and training in NLP and meditation seem to have been blended to create the perfect course leader.
I'd highly recommend Clare. I trust her authority as an author and an imposter syndrome expert.
Janine Coombes
Business Owner
Who Is The Ditching Imposter Syndrome Bootcamp For?
You're a business leader or established entrepreneur. This isn't for newbies. Sorry.
You're an action-taker, not a whinger. And you'll carve out the time to make sure you get the results you're looking for.
You're passionate about being a leader, hungry to make a bigger difference in the world, and you have made the commitment to your future to clear out Imposter Syndrome and its friends, once and for all.
Don't Know Me Yet? I'm Clare Josa.

I have been a certified NLP Trainer since 2003, which means I'm an expert in designing courses that work fast - getting you maximum results for minimum effort. It also makes me a pro at decoding the 'user manual' for your brain.
My prior background in engineering, specialising in Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma, means that I'm a great strategist with a fluff-free approach and a passion for sharing inspirational how-to that makes changing your life fast, fun and forever. I'm also a certified meditation, mindfulness and yoga teacher, so you get a generous dollop of that, too. My clients call it 'engineer-approved woo-woo'.
As the author of seven books and a regular radio and podcast interviewee, I have helped thousands of entrepreneurs and passionate world changers with getting 'out of their own way', overcoming Imposter syndrome - so they can make a bigger difference in the world. And I'd love to get to share those strategies with you in this bootcamp.

There Are Only Ten Places On This Programme.
Is One Of Them Yours?
Clare has a way of explaining things, so you create breakthroughs. Working with Clare has been the difference between being stuck and frustrated, and being on the path to creating my dream business and life.
Rosie Slosek
MD of One Man Band Accounting
I have had so many a-ha moments with Clare's work. I now have clarity for how to leverage my gifts. Clare also turned on the lightbulb for me so I have the inner motivation to carry me all the way through.
Teresa Pangan
Nutrition Consultant
What's The Investment?
I know you're busy! And I have designed this programme to be in bite-sized chunks so you can fit it in, no matter how full your schedule is.
This is a deep-dive programme, not a free downloadable cheat sheet, so you will need to invest the time and energy to get the most from it.
But 2 hours per week should be enough for the work from each module, plus the weekly live call (up to 90 minutes).
Only you know whether you're prepared to carve out the time to get these results - and I can help with that, with a bonus training on how to 'magically' make more time.
To do this with me 1:1 would costs £9,995 for three months of support (you can sign up below, if that's what you're looking for). And I only take on a handful of clients for such intensive mentoring each year.
I want to make your Imposter Syndrome bootcamp as accessible as possible, whilst still giving you the quality of course and support you deserve. So the regular price for this 6-week group programme is just £1,495 if you book before 5pm UK time on 31st May or £1,995 after that. A 3-part payment plan is available.
That's less than the cost of a half-day's mentoring session with me. And you'll get a whole six weeks of working with me, getting answers to your questions, and sharing your journey with your fellow bootcampers.
Are You Joining Us? We Start on June 3rd 2019.
Book Your Early Bird Place Now
JUNE 2019
Get The Full Group Bootcamp
Save £500 With The Early Bird Rate
Only ten places available.
Go 1:1
Get The Five Teaching Modules
PLUS 3 Months Of 1:1 Support With Clare
Ideal for MD/CEO-level leaders

Got Questions First?
I don't have enough time!
When are the live Q&A sessions?
How long do I get access to the training materials?
Can my employer / business pay for this?
Got one that's not covered here? Contact my team for answers.
© Clare Josa | Beyond Alchemy Ltd
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